Strange things were a happenin’ this weekend...
- Under the Ballard Bridge, where there is always someone begging for money, I saw a man holding an imaginary sign. His hands were clutching nothing, but were positioned as though he was holding a sign. This was one time I didn’t feel guilty about not giving a donation. I figure I gave him imaginary money to go with his imaginary sign.
- I might have seen Elvis at the grocery store. There was a chunky Asian woman (at least I think it was a woman) who was wearing an ENORMOUS belt buckle. It was about the size of a paper plate, only oval rather than round. It reminded me of something Elvis might have worn with his white jumpsuit, back in his chubby days. Not exactly a hunka hunka burning love, but you never know...
- I seem to have had a temporary transformation from my road raginess of last week after I was stuck in traffic from hell on the Viaduct. I was at Macy’s, with a $10 off coupon burning a hole in my pocket. I was unable to find anything to buy and decided to give away my coupon. I chose a lady about my age, who was in line to pay and had an armful of clothes. I gave her the coupon and she was so appreciative. It was very gratifying. After I left Macy’s I motioned to a man looking for a parking place that I was leaving. WTF??? Was I suddenly becoming Mother Theresa? Seemed that way. I was definitely feeling the love. Two good deeds in the span of two minutes. Wow. I might consider being less ragey more often.
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